Everyone wants a clear, healthy-looking face. But getting there might have less to do with how well you clean or how much you spend on products and more to do with how well you can tell fact from fiction. A lot of skincare advice just doesn't work, and some of it can even hurt your skin.
Let's find out the truth about some of the most common beauty tips. Here are 11 skincare myths that top dermatologists suggest you shouldn't believe.
Myth 1: if it's cloudy, you don't need sunscreen
We hear this a lot, but clouds can't stop ultraviolet radiation from reaching the Earth's surface. Also, some dermatologists say that the sun is to blame for 90% of sagging skin, wrinkles, and dark spots, So, it's best to make sure to put on a lot of sunscreens not just on hot days but throughout the year.
Myth 2: tanning beds are safer than natural sunlight for your skin
If you like to fake tan, sorry to tell you this, but it's time to give up that tanning bed. The Mayo Clinic suggests that tanning beds are not a safer way to get tan than the sun. Whether you get them from the sun or a tanning bed, ultraviolet rays make you more likely to get skin cancer and age your skin faster. Need that fake-vacation glow so badly? Try a sunless tanning method you can do at home instead. For example, try to love L'Oréal Paris Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning Water Mousse for an even glow all over which can be mixed into your daily moisturizer for easy application.
Myth 3: you shouldn't use oils if your skin is oily or prone to acne

When your skin is already oily, you don't want to add more oil to the mix, right? Wrong. Experts say, "Oily skin can be caused by many different things, like diet, stress, and genetic factors. It can also be caused by not drinking enough water."
Our skin is made to have an oily layer called the acid mantle. This is our first line of defence. Using harsh products can take away some of this, which makes the skin tell the oil glands to make more oil. Oils can have the opposite effect; when the skin knows it is well-hydrated, it may make less oil. Use oils like jojoba, marula, or squalene, which are lighter.
Myth 4: toner is the first and most important step in treating acne
People with acne-prone skin often look for skin care products to help with their oily skin. Toners are thought to remove excess oil from the skin after washing. Using a gentle cleanser and water to wash the face is enough to clean it well. Your skin doesn't always have to be perfectly clean and free of its natural oils. Toners are usually made with alcohol, which can dry out the skin and cause free-radical damage.
Myth 5: your pores change size or open and close

Your pores don't really do anything but stay open. Many people say you can open them, close them, or even make them smaller, but this isn't true. Your pores can get bigger or stretch out because of age, genetics, temperature, or a few other things, like when oil and dirt get stuck in them.
A similar myth is that steam opens your pores and cold water closes them or makes them tighter. Both of these are not true. Steam is good for your skin in many ways, but this isn't one of them. It's the same with hot water. If your pores are clogged with too much oil or dirt, the best thing you can do is wash your face with a gentle exfoliator.
Myth 6: acne is caused by not washing your face
Hygiene does not have anything to do with getting acne. Acne is caused by oil, inflammation, clogged pores, and bacteria. Stress, hormones, and (to a lesser extent) diet can also play a role for some people. Experts say that not washing your face doesn't help, but it also doesn't cause acne.
Myth 7: oily skin ages less quickly than dry skin
When you have oily skin, your skin makes sebum, which is natural oil. This makes wrinkles and fine lines a little less noticeable, but it doesn't make your skin less likely to show signs of aging. It all depends on the skin health of the person.
Myth 8: when you pop the pimple, it goes away

Nope! If you pop the pimple, the pus will spread to other areas of your face. And that implies that the bacteria will move to other areas of your face, giving you more pimples and breakouts. If you have a pimple and don't want the bacteria to spread, you can use natural ingredients like lime juice or ointment.
Myth 9: you don't need retinol until you're 50 years old
Retinol is the "gold standard" of skincare, and it will always be that way. Retinol makes more collagen and speeds up the turnover of skin cells. It also helps treat acne, clear out clogged pores, reduce wrinkles, and fine lines, and even out skin tone. So, start using retinol when you're in your mid to late 20s to keep damage from occurring. Wrinkles are easier to prevent.
Myth 10: if it’s burning, it's working
If it burns, it's not right for your skin's pH, so don't use it. It's normal to feel a little tingling, which can sometimes be caused by ingredients like alcohol or menthol but if your skin burns or gets red flashes, wash it right away because that's not how skincare works.
Myth 11: your genes decide how your skin ages
Genes do play a role, but skin aging is a complicated process that is caused by both internal and external factors. You can't change your genes, but you can control things like smoking, sun damage, stress, and pollution.
Effects of UV rays on skin on cloudy days. | Montaser
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Tanning beds raise risk for skin cancer
Skin concern| free radicals and skin aging| Eucerin
How Does Retinol Work? Facts, Side Effects, and More (healthline.com)