Joint Flex Ultra 是一种提高灵活性和关节灵活性的纯天然方法。它有助于解决与运动相关和其他与年龄相关的关节问题。†
Ultra Joint Flex 是一种畅销的关节疼痛缓解、活动和充电支持补充剂,由最有效的提取物组成,可帮助男性和女性改善关节健康和力量,同时提供有效的抗炎和抗氧化作用。 Nutra Moment Joint Flex Ultra 含有专门的成分混合物,包括葡萄糖胺、软骨素、乳香提取物、姜黄、槲皮素和蛋氨酸,有助于保持关节软骨健康。软骨素有助于关节的活动性和灵活性。†
改善软骨质量 †
葡萄糖胺和硫酸软骨素有助于减轻骨关节炎疼痛 和 可能有潜力帮助建立 软骨。†
治疗支持并促进关节活动度 †
Joint Flex Ultra 可以帮助减轻关节肿胀、僵硬和疼痛。它还可能有助于改善身体的一些不同问题,包括炎症、关节疼痛和氧化应激。†
Joint Flex Ultra 有助于关节软骨的生成和愈合。软骨是一种光滑的减震组织,包裹在关节的骨头末端。它有助于骨骼彼此自由移动。†
As per dietary supplement, takeᅠthree (3) veggie capsules daily before a meal. Forᅠquicker relief, take a loading dose of six (6) capsules daily for the first two weeks.
Essential Ingredients

Glucosamine is a type of sugar that the body produces naturally. In our product, we have a precise mix of 1500mg Glucosamine Sulfate.†
A natural component contained in the human body is renowned for natural cartilage stimulation. We incorporated this component into our mix through natural methods.†
Boswellia is an anti-inflammatory that can also be used as a pain reliever and may help reduce cartilage loss.†

MSM is a non-vitamin, non-mineral ingredient that delivers a bio-available, natural form of sulfur to aid in the relief of joint pain.†
Ultra Joint Flex contains Turmeric, which supports overall health and complements an active lifestyle by helping to relieve joint soreness, among other advantages.†
It possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may aid in edema reduction, blood sugar regulation, and cardiovascular health.†
It is a potent antioxidant that detoxifies the body of toxic substances, improves skin tone and suppleness, promotes healthy hair, and strengthens nails.†